How do we remove the haemorrhoids?
We use the O’Regan disposable bander which is the modern way of ensuring non-transmission of infection.
The Long Term Results of Hemorrhoid Banding Using The O’Regan Disposable Suction Ligator©.
Cleator Iain G.M. and Cleator Maria M.
Recognizably by health care providers in clinical practice, hemorrhoidal disease is a very prevalent problem for their patients.
Hemorrhoids Are No Laughing Matter to Those Afflicted
An interview with Dr. Ian G.M. Cleator
Haemorrhoids are enlarged cushions around the back passage.
What are Haemorrhoids
What Causes Haemorrhoids
Methods of Treatment
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Commonly Asked Questions
Cleator Diet for Colo-Rectal Health
This diet stresses the importance of soluble fiber and low glycemic index carbohydrates in a balanced diet involving the three primary foodstuffs – protein, fat and carbohydrates.
For more information about Dr. Cleator’s Diet, download this pdf
Book Your Appointment Today!
The Cleator Clinic for Haemorrhoids in British Columbia